
Make a visitor's decision to come to your zoo even easier. By integrating the TripProximity widget, your visitors save time planning the logistics of their trip and focus more on enjoying the journey.


Add the smart trip widget to your site to offer your visitors an easy way to get to your zoo.

Make a visitors decision to come to your zoo even easier. By integrating the TripProximity widget, your visitors save time planning the logistics of their trip and focus more on enjoying the journey.  Your staff  saves time answering “where should I stay?”

Make your map smarter

The TripProximity widget can replace your existing map tool or static driving directions. Visitors can book hotel, flight or get dynamic driving directions to your location as needed.  You free your visitors from having to remember or copy your address. The widget pre-populates your location information automatically.

Better service to your guests

When your customers visit your zoo, they may be from out of town, or invite friends that have to travel to come along on the visit   Doesn’t it make sense to bring hotel availability and booking closer to their ‘reason’ for the trip? For the first time, you can help visitors to your zoo easily answer the question: “Where should I stay?” With TripProximity, your site becomes a 24-hour concierge that provides an integrated answer: “at a hotel nearby.”


Make Giving Back Easy

With TripProximity, every trip can matter to the charities you support.  A percentage of the proceeds from travel bookings made on your site are given to your charity of choice annually.  If your zoo is a non-profit, we will more than double our customary contribution and will increase the frequency of the donation to quarterly.

Differentiation matters.

Lead your category: be the first to enhance your customers’ total experience. Be known as the innovator that adds to the bottom line while also supporting your favorite charities.


Site placement is easy.

The TripProximity widget conforms to the HTML container added to your site. Choosing a location near customers’ decision points creates greater value for you.