Where do Hotel Star Ratings originate?

We consider a number of factors in evaluating the quality of participating hotels such as: amenities, facilities, reputation, brand, other rating services, customer feedback from guests, etc., to assign a single star rating.

The star rating system is provided for your reference. Like other well-known hotel rating systems, we consider a number of factors in evaluating the quality of participating hotels such as: amenities, facilities, reputation, brand, other rating services, customer feedback from guests who have stayed at the hotel, etc., to assign a single star rating.

1-5 Stars: Our hotel partner's star rating system for hotels is based on the overall quality, services, and amenities provided.

  • 1 Star: Basic accommodations with limited services (e.g., motels, budget hotels).
  • 2 Stars: Slightly more comfortable, often offering additional services like free breakfast or Wi-Fi (e.g., economy hotels).
  • 3 Stars: Mid-range hotels offering better amenities, such as a pool, restaurant, or fitness center (e.g., full-service hotels).
  • 4 Stars: Upscale hotels with high-quality service and extensive amenities (e.g., boutique or luxury hotels).
  • 5 Stars: Luxury hotels with premium service, amenities, and accommodations.

We screen participating hotels carefully and update our information periodically to ensure the validity of our ratings. Our rating system may sometimes differ from those of other rating systems that you may be familiar with. We do not warrant or guarantee that our star rating system is equal to or consistent with any other star rating system and reserve the right to change a hotel’s rating at any time with or without notice.