What is an Anywhere tool?
The Travel to Anywhere tool allows the traveler to travel to anywhere (any address, any company, any venue), for any reason, at any time. It includes the Staying, Driving, Concierge, Air, Map and Manage Trip functions by default.
This tool type is used when you want to be free to choose the destination with each trip taken.
It is also known as the Smart Giving tool, as it is often used by organizations to raise money for their favorite charity. When you want to donate all of the proceeds to your charity of choice, you would select Smart Giving, versus the Smart Trip Tool, which pays a royalty to our Level 2+ clients, plus donating to your charity of choice.
You may also use our Rectangle header, with the logo of the Charity you wish to impact, or you may use any other image.
If you need help choosing the right option, during business hours select the CHAT icon in the lower right, or set up a time to talk to one of our Client Success specialists.
Site placement is easy.
The TravelingToGive widget conforms to the HTML container added to your site. Choosing a location near customers’ decision points creates greater value for you.