What are the variables that you support in the dynamic tool?

There are several different types of variables. First are the variables that relate to venues. Then there are date variables, which vary from venue to event tools.

Click HERE to view a sample of a dynamic script.

The following variables can be utilized to customize your dynamic script for venues/companies listed on your site and also for events.

VENUE Variables

Following are the variables that can be entered into your script and can be populated at run time.  If the item is present in the Master Widget and absent in the script, the value in the Master Widget will prevail.



Variable Name

Purpose and example








Name of the venue to appear as “I need a hotel near” and also on the booking results page (as the POI and the “0.1 miles away from POI NAME” field for each hotel listed.

poiName: ‘Billy Joel Concert’,



This should be the short version of the name of the venue.  For events, it can be the name of the event.

Widget Header Text headerText Widget title that appears in a transparent container above the widget.
headerText: “Plan your trip to “,
Y Y This can also be a more complete description of an event or venue, in which case you would ensure that the append poi flag is set to N.
Combine Header Text and Venue or Event Name appendPOI Append the POI to the widget title.
appendPOI: ‘Y’,
N N This is set as N as the default.  If set to Yes, the header text and poi_name will be appended.
Image imageUrl The URL for the image on the graphical widget.
imageUrl: ‘https://onpointexecutivecenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/offices.jpg’,
Y N Optional.  If you do not have your own image, the default image is the Where Should I Stay button from TripProximity.  Your image should be sized to fit in a container up to 350 pixels tall and up to 670 pixels wide.
Image Link imageLink The URL for the link from the image.
imageLink: ‘https://www.solutionz.com’,
Y N This is the link for where the user will go when they click on the image. The link can take you to any other website, blog, page represented by a URL.
Tracking trackingCode Your internal tracking code for your customers or business segments.
trackingCode: ‘HDQ’,
Y Y Can be up to 50 characters, alpha-numeric.  This code will be appended to the tracking code entered into the Master Widget.
Latitude latitude The numeric latitude of the location
latitude: ‘28.4203991’,
Y Y If you provide the lat/long, you will not need an address.
Longitude longitude The numeric longitude of the location
longitude: ‘-81.502967799999968,
Y Y If you provide the lat/long, you will not need an address.
Address address If no geographic coordinates are provided these parameters will be used to calculate the proximity for the hotel search.
address: ‘118 Rue du 4 Septembre, Paris’,
Y N Optional if geographic coordinates were provided.  For enterprise clients, this field can contain the entire address (see example), or can be just the street address if you are using city, state/province, postcode.
Address city The address must be searchable on Google Maps API in order to result in a valid search.
city: ‘Atlanta’,
Y Y Only mandatory if you do NOT use the entire address as the override in the %address% variable field.
Address state The state or province for US or Canadian addresses. Y N Optional (initial lookup is in the address and city, so in most cases, state/province is not needed)
Address postcode The zip or postal code for the address. Y N Optional (initial lookup is in the address and city, so in most cases, postcode is not needed)
Airport airport Three-character airport code
airport: ‘ORD’,
Y N IATA 3-character code representing the closest airport.
Country country Two-digit country code N Y This is set as a default in the base widget in the TripProximity Portal.  Defaults to US, but can be overridden by a business rule.
Currency currency Currency code (i.e. USD, CAD) N N This is set as a default in the base widget in the TripProximity Portal.  The default is USD.  The traveler can change the pricing currency when the results are displayed.
Branding refId This field determines the branding on the booking back end header and footer.  In this example, this is the code for theHotelsNearby.
refId: 6832,
Y Y The default is 6832 for the TripProximity brand.  There are a number of optional niche brands available.  See the portal.
Branding refClickid2 This allows you to choose one of our niche brands, coupled with the use of refid 6832.
refClickId2: ‘hotelsbycompanies’,
Y Y If the refid is set to 6832 to take advantage of one of our brands, you would use the refClickID2 from the full brand list, see the portal.
Default Tab Active_tab Determines which tab will orient as the front window in a multi-tab format N Y This is set as the default in the base widget in the TripProximity Portal.  The HOTEL tab is the default tab.  The tabs remain in the same physical order.  This changes the logical first tab.  The alternative is the MAP tab.  Air and Car tabs cannot be Active tabs.  If the MAP tab is Active, the user must provide their Google API code.
Token dataToken The token number from the widget that you wish to use for tracking



Y N If you have multiple widgets that you have created so that you can track placement source, you can write one script and substitute the correct dataToken at display time.


Date Variables - Venue

The venue trip tool variables drive the hotel check-in and checkout dates, the car rental pickup and dropoff dates,  and air departure and return dates.  If the hotel dates are changed, the car rental and air dates will reflect the change.  These parameters can be set in the Master Widget and can also be overridden at transaction time, based on a business rule.



Parameter Name






Check-in daysFromToday The number of days from the day the widget is displayed drives  the default check-in. N This is set as a default in the base widget in the TripProximity Portal. daysFromToday: ‘4’,






The number of days of the stay N This is set as a default in the base widget in the TripProximity Portal. numberOfDays: ‘2’,

Date Variables - Event

The following event date parameters govern how the check-in and check-out dates work for hotel, the pickup and drop-off dates work for car, and the arrival and departure dates work for air.

The variable name must be followed by a colon : and the variable will be ensconced in straight, plain quotation marks. 

Parameter Name Description Mandatory Format/Defaults
eventStart The starting date of the event N YYYY/MM/DD  can be a variable, present in toolkit for static widgets
eventEnd The ending date of the event N YYYY/MM/DD can be a variable, present in toolkit for static widgets
daysBefore The number of days that you want people to arrive before an event N Single digit
daysAfter The number of days that you want people to stay after an event N Single digit
dateFormat The format used by your system if different from our default format N The date format must be numeric and can include slash, dash and space as delimiters.  The year can be two or four numbers.  As an example, you may enter ‘DD/MM/YYYY’ or ‘MM/DD/YY’ or “MM-DD-YY.