Senior Living Facility

Loneliness is a serious challenge in a Senior Living Facility – We can help

Add the smart trip widget to your website or blog for proximity-based hotel search, mapping and driving directions to your assisted living facility. Offer travelers what they need when they need it.

Before their loved ones were in an assisted living facility, coming to visit was a no-brainer.  Now, when people come to your assisted living facility, their only option is to find lodging nearby.

For the first time, you can help visitors answer the question: “Where should I stay?”  With TravelingToGive, your site becomes a 24-hour concierge that provides an integrated answer: “at a hotel nearby.”


Make your map smarter

If you have a map on your site, make it smarter by adding the TripProximity smart trip tool that begins with a map, but adds hotel booking (I’m staying), driving directions (I’m driving) and optional air booking (I’m flying).  Your visitor doesn’t have to look up your address to find where you are located, as we will pre-populate the widget with your information.

Better service to your visitors

By integrating the TripProximity widget, friends and family of your residents save time planning the logistics for their visit and eleviates the time your staff needs to respond to “where should I stay?”.  Adding the TripProxity widget to your "visit us" page makes it easier for everyone to come for a visit. The more visits your residents receive, they more they will enjoy this stage of life.

No matter the reason

Whether the visitors are checking out your facility for a loved one, or they need to visit a family member that lives in your facility, the smart trip widget provides easy booking of hotels nearby your location. The traveler gets to choose properties nearby that meet their brand, price and amenity preferences.

Make Giving Back Easy

With TripProximity, every trip can matter to the charities you support.  A percentage of the proceeds from completed travel bookings made on your site are given to your charity of choice annually.

Differentiation matters.

Lead your category: be the first to enhance the experience of those who need to visit your facility. Be known as the innovator that adds to the bottom line while also supporting your favorite charities.


Site placement is easy.

The TripProximity widget conforms to the HTML container added to your site. Choosing a location near customers’ decision points creates greater value for you.