Military Bases

There are many events that can result in the need for an overnight stay near the base. While you easily accommodate military personnel, civilians are on their own to find out where to stay.


Add the smart trip widget to your site to make things easier for those visiting your base

There are many events that can result in the need for an overnight stay near the base.  While you easily accommodate military personnel, civilians are on their own to find out where to stay.  For the first time, you can make it easier for civilians visiting your base by easily answering the question: “Where should I stay?” With TripProximity, your site becomes a 24-hour concierge that provides an integrated answer: "At a hotel nearby.”


Make life easier for non-military travelers

Whether it is an airshow, a training course, a meeting or a visit of service personnel by family, we can handle the trip planning of those that are not able to use government authorized travel offices.  By integrating the TripProximity widget into your website, you can share  the page location those coming to visit.  You make life easier for those coming in and your personnel saves time answering: “Where should I stay?”

Make your map smarter

The TripProximity widget can replace your existing map tool or static driving directions. Those coming for a visit can book hotel, flight or get dynamic driving directions to your location.  Those coming to visit can focus on the reason for their visit, versus thinking about logistics.   The widget pre-populates your location automatically.

Make Giving Back Easy

With TripProximity, every trip can matter to your local community.  A percentage of the proceeds from travel bookings made on your site are given to your charity of choice annually.


Site placement is easy.

The TripProximity widget conforms to the HTML container added to your site. Choosing a location near your visitors’ decision points creates greater value for you.