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Our enterprise tool is a dynamic script that adds trip planning directly into any landing page or any listing of companies, attractions, venues, etc. or any listing of events. We can also trip enable photos and videos!


Integrate dynamic trip planning into your media platform

Imagine having a site that aggregates events and publishes videos and photos from previous concerts and stories about the upcoming tour.  And what if you could offer tickets to the event, right as a part of the tool, just by clicking on the image of the artist.

Media is a powerful communications tool and content publishers provide a valuable way for people to learn about companies, places and events.

With our smart map tool, for the first time, content publishers can make their content actionable and let people plan trips to those locations mentioned on your landing pages. Our Smart Trip Tools can help you easily add integrated trip planning to your various media assets with our dynamic smart trip widget, becoming a 24×7 concierge for those wanting to visit or attend an event.



Differentiation matters.

There are many choices for where to find information online.  Content aggregators are plentiful in every category imaginable, from lists of companies, events and venues, to very specific data like information for those relocating or those looking for a doctor or hospital.

Be known as the innovator that adds to the bottom line while also supporting your favorite charities.

No matter the reason

Whether your clients are publishers or bloggers, Solutionz has a solution for you to add our Smart Map Tool or our Smart Trip Tool to your media management system.  Each image or video that has an address or lat/long associated with it, can have a dynamic widget associated with it.

For sites that aggregate photos and videos about places or events and use your platform to store and manage those assets, or bloggers who are writing stories and want to use assets on your site to enhance their stories, this tool will allow their readers to plan a trip to see the places and events that they have been inspired to visit.

They can use the smart trip widget to get driving directions or figure out how long it will take to get where they are going. If it takes too long, they can even get an airline ticket.And for trips that require an overnight, they can easily book a hotel nearby.  And the traveler gets to choose properties that meet their proximity, brand, price and amenity preferences and we provide 7x24x365 support, so you don’t have to!

Add a new revenue stream and at the same time, make giving back easy

By integrating TravelingToGive smart tools, Solutionz brings to you a new, incremental revenue opportunity that can bring multiple transactions a month from a single user of your media management platform.

We share a royalty with you on a quarterly basis, driven by the bookings made by your customers.  We also give you a bonus incentive if you turn on Smart Trip planning for all of your customers.

With our Smart Giving model, every trip can also matter to the charities you support.  A percentage of the proceeds from travel bookings made on your system are given to your charity of choice annually.