How do I set up the widget on my website?

It will depend on your website builder tool what the exact steps will be. In general, if you can choose an HTML container, that works best.


If you use Wordpress, you will need to select TEXT versus VISUAL in the upper right hand corner of the container window.  Then you will just paste in the code snippet provided in the Solutionz Smart Tool Portal.

Container Size

The Smart Trip tools have different sections (tabs) that all have different levels of content.  The I'm Driving tab, as an example, is much longer than hotel and air, particularly when you are booking a rental car.  

Also the Concierge can be quite long when expanded.

Here's a general approach to ensuring that the tool displays properly.

  1. Container Setup:

    • Ensure the container holding your widget is set to automatically adjust its height based on the content inside it. This usually involves setting the container's height property to "auto" or removing any fixed height settings.
  2. Widget Configuration:

    • Our smart trip tools are already pre-configured.  But if they are not displaying properly on your site, you may need to configure it to expand dynamically as its content changes or as it's oper4ened to different pages.
  3. Positioning and Layout:

    • Make sure the container and widget are properly positioned within your webpage layout. They should not overlap with other sections or elements. Adjust margins, padding, or positioning if necessary to create space for expansion.
  4. Testing:

    • Preview your website and test the widget's behavior on different pages and browsers to ensure that the container expands as expected without overlapping other content.
  5. Custom CSS (if needed):

    • If there are conflicts in how the widget displays, you might need to use custom CSS to control the layout and behavior more precisely. This could involve targeting specific elements within the container and adjusting their properties dynamically based on the widget's size.