Funeral Homes

Planning a trip to a Funeral is stressful. We can help.

Click the image above to see a short video about our Funeral Concierge Service using the TravelingToGive smart trip tool


The loss of a loved one often prompts the need for lodging for those attending the service.  Those that may have normally stayed with family, may find that staying in a hotel may be the most logical and safest option when traveling in from out of town.

With the TravelingToGive SmartTrip tool, those attending the service can also find the driving time and directions, rent a car or get an airline ticket.  Every trip booked on your site matters to your charity of choice.


Make life easier for the family

After a loss, the family phone rings non-stop.  Most of those calls are to ask for the logistics surrounding the service.  By integrating the TripProximity widget into your website, you can pass off the page location to the family at the initial meeting with them.  When people call, they can share  the page location or they can share it via text or on social media.  You make life easier for the family during a difficult time and your team saves time answering “where should I stay?”

Make your map smarter

The TravelingToGive SmartTrip tool can replace your existing map tool or static driving directions. The tool pre-populates your location automatically, so they don’t have to look it up.

Make Giving Back Easy

With TravelingToGive, every trip matters to your community or the cause that you care about.  A percentage of the proceeds from travel bookings made on your site are given to your charity of choice annually.


Site placement is easy and just takes a few minutes.

Anyone with the administrative rights to your website can add the new Attend the Service page.  It literally takes minutes.

If you prefer, Solutionz Client Services can make the changes for you.  There is no charge.