Do you have an API?

No, but the great news is that you don't need an API to implement our dynamic tool. It is a simple script that you can customize in minutes.

Step 1 - Set up a master tool for use on your enterprise platform

When creating the Master Widget, you will use our standard Create Smart Tool function in the portal.

You will then set certain default values in the Portal that will be static for all of your tools.  There are others that need to be passed to the Dynamic Venue Trip Tool to operate correctly.

These must be rendered in the web page as JSON data dictionary within an HTML script tag.  The JavaScript variable name must be set to widgetVars.

If the trip tool is being used for a system that has multiple venues, you will substitute the venue unique VARIABLE NAMES in the Dynamic Venue widget with the correct data from your venue/location page at transaction time.

The variable name must be followed by a colon : and the variable will be ensconced in straight, plain quotation marks. 

Some items are set in the portal and some (denoted below with an *) can be set in the portal and overriden by custom script.

Defaults set in Master only (elements that don’t change)

Widget Type

Marketing Message in the Footer

Widget Name


Use Local Currency

Optional Tab Selection (social sharing, driving, flying)

Color Palette

Travel preferences, including brand, # of stars and preferred seat class

Number of rooms and guests


Can be set in Master and overridden with script

Header Text (*)

Image URL and Link (*)

Tracking Code (*)

Country (*)

Currency (*)

Active Tab (*)

Trip starts in and Length of Stay (*)

Booking Brand (*)

Step 2 - Grab the script for the tool on the Preview/Ready to Use screen for the Master Tool and then customize your script with the data elements from your system

You will need to replace 'XXXX' with your variable or hard-coded value. For more information see the Knowledge Base

<div id="tpw-widget"></div><script data-id="tpw-widget" src="" data-token="0w2o7hKk32v3QJoab5W0Tj97rcr2M3z1twEaU9DC238IuVBZ030t7FKCmPng3G4l"></script>
headerText: 'Plan your trip to ',
poiName: 'My Event',
appendPOI: 'Y',
eventName: 'XXXX',
eventStart: 'XXXX',
eventEnd: 'XXXX',
daysFromToday: 1,
numberOfDays: 1,
daysBefore: 1,
daysAfter: 1,
mapTab: 1,
address: 'XXXX',
airport: 'XXXX',
latitude: 'XXXX',
longitude: 'XXXX',
trackingCode: '4_0',
imageURL: '',
imageLink: ''


Need help with the variables and formats for them?  Click HERE.