Can I use a Smart Trip tool for my Non-Profit

Yes, there are many ways to use our tools to benefit non-profits. We have a special non-profit model we call Smart Giving, where we donate 25% of our revenues to the 501c3.

VISIT US page 

The best way to start is with a VISIT US page for your headquarters of your non-profit.  Still using a CONTACT US page?  Change it to include a tool for each of your venues.

We are an ideal VISIT US page for your organization’s website for those that are coming to visit you.  Just select our Smart Giving tool and create one for each location that you have.

NOTE:  We can only display one tool per page, so it is best to use a pop-up for each location or to have a landing page for each location's tool.


If you have fundraising events, we can power those events with the SmartEvent tool.  This can also include the events sponsored by your partners.  We will assist them in adding the tool to the event landing page.

Board Travel

We highly recommend that you give each board member their own tool and if they have the authority to deploy it for their organization, that you refer them to Solutionz.  You will receive a 10% donation for all of their bookings the first year if the tool is on their own site.

Influencer/Celebrity Ambassador Travel

We highly recommend that you give each board member their own tool and if they have the authority to deploy it for their organization, you refer them to Solutionz.  You will receive a 10% donation for all of their bookings the first year if the tool is on their own site.

Team and Volunteer Travel

If you do not have a travel agent, you can use our tool for your team’s travels.  You can use our SmartGiving Travel to Anywhere version of the tool and set it up either for each traveler or for each project.  The tools can be hosted on your website as hidden pages, or we can host them on our site and provide you a list of the hosted tools.

Employee Benefit/Engagement

Each employee can have their own tool and use it for personal use, benefitting your non-profit.

This can also be woven into the Employee Engagement programs for your corporate sponsors and partners.



If you need help choosing the right option, during business hours select the CHAT icon in the lower right, or set up a time to talk to one of our Client Success specialists.