
When people read your blog, it is natural for them to be motivated to visit whatever you’ve been writing about. Doesn’t it make sense to bring hotel availability and booking closer to their ‘reason’ for the trip?



Game Changing Bloggers wanted

TripProximity and our partner Rich Media Exchange are looking for innovative bloggers that would like to take advantage of a special offer with TripWriters, a new platform being launched in September.  It will have a new interactive video player that is available to our bloggers and you will be able to grab the smart trip planning tool right from that platform.

Add the smart trip widget to your blog for proximity-based hotel search, mapping and driving directions to the place that you are writing about. Offer travelers an unbiased lodging option right when they are motivated to travel.

When reading your blog, it is natural for them to be motivated to visit whatever you’ve been writing about.   Your readers may want to get up and go! Doesn’t it make sense to bring hotel availability and booking closer to their ‘reason’ for the trip? For the first time, without appearing biased, you can easily answer the question: “Where should I stay?” With TripProximity, your site becomes a 24-hour concierge that provides an integrated answer: “at a hotel nearby.”

Make your map smarter

If you have a map on your site, make it smarter by adding the TripProximity smart trip tool that begins with a map, but adds hotel booking (I’m staying), driving directions (I’m driving) and optional air booking (I’m flying).  Your visitor never has to remember where you are located, as we pre-populate the widget with your information automatically.

Better service to your readers

Through our partnership with Rich Media Exchange, we can offer our blogger clients a free one year membership in TripWriters, where you can upload your photos and videos and then automatically grab the code snippet for the TripProximity widget that matches your content.

No matter the reason

The smart trip widget provides easy booking of hotels nearby the place or event  that you are writing about. The traveler gets to choose properties that meet their proximity, brand, price and amenity preferences.

Make Giving Back Easy

With TripProximity, every trip can matter to the charities you support.  A percentage of the proceeds from travel bookings made on your site are given to your charity of choice annually.

Differentiation matters.

Lead your category: be the first blogger in your category to enhance your readers’ total experience. Be known as the innovator that adds to the bottom line, while also supporting your favorite charities.


Site placement is easy.

The TripProximity widget conforms to the HTML container added to your site. Choosing a location near customers’ decision points creates greater value for you.