Are the rates competitive?

We are so confident that our rates are competitive, that TravelingToGive backs up our promise with a 110% best rate guarantee.

Yes, Traveling To Give is a partner of the Priceline Partner Network, which includes Priceline, and Agoda.  Priceline (Nasdaq: PCLN)  is the largest aggregator of hotel inventory in the world, with over $15b in hotel sales annually (based on 2018 10K).

We are so confident that our rates are competitive, that Traveling To Give backs up our promise with a 110% best rate guarantee.  If the traveler finds a lower rate on another website for the same room, at the same hotel, on the exact same date range, within 24 hours of making your booking with us, we guarantee you that we’ll match it PLUS pay you 110% of the difference in price.

You will need to document the lower rate with a screen shot and will need to send your request, along with your trip number, name and contact information to  We will research your request and respond within 1 business day.

We also have extremely favorable group hotel rates through Groupize and we can do online requests for proposals (RFP) for group sleeping rooms and meeting rooms for up to 10 properties simultaneously.