Amusement Parks

Get a smart trip widget for your Amusement park

Why should I consider adding integrated trip planning to my amusement park site?

If you own or operate amusement parks, you will know that out of the hundreds of thousands of visitors that come to your parks, that some percentage of those come from out of town and need to find a place to stay.  That percentage, no matter how small, translates to money that you are leaving on the table.

Adding our free plug and play trip planning widget to your site makes it easier for guests to get to you, whether they are local or from out of town.

  • Allow guests to find available hotels nearby that meet their own spending and brand criteria
  • Provide customized driving directions and estimated driving time to your locations (89% of all travel in the US is by car)
  • Optionally allow the guest to rent a car
  • To optionally allow the guest to purchase an airline ticket (11% of all travel in the US is by air)

As an attraction, you may see yourself as an adjunct to someone’s trip planning, rather than as the anchor.  Imagine if you shift that thinking and your marketing, then you can encourage your visitors to book their hotel near you and use you as a base for any other things that they do in the area.   You may even come up with opportunities to develop new ways of luring them back in later in their trip!  We’d love to help you.

Add Incremental Revenue

In fact, for those that purchase a ticket on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, you can prompt your guests to “Make it a Weekend” and even for locals, perhaps you can sell them multiple day passes, instead of just a single day.  Either way, you win.  We can also work with your ticketing provider to integrate hotel booking as an add on to the ticket purchase.   If we receive more than 10 bookings a quarter from your website (or blogs or HTML emails), we will automatically make you a TripProximity Pro partner and send you a royalty check.`

Add the smart trip widget to your website or blog for proximity-based hotel search, mapping and driving directions to your attraction. Offer travelers what they need when they need it.

When people come to your attraction, it is easy to assume that they already have decided where to stay.   Doesn’t it make sense to bring hotel availability and booking closer to their ‘reason’ for the trip? For the first time, you can help visitors to your attraction  easily answer the question: “Where should I stay?” With TripProximity, your site becomes a 24-hour concierge that provides an integrated answer: “at a hotel nearby.”  And if they stay near you, you may just be able to sell them on coming back a second day!

Make your map smarter

If you have a map on your site, make it smarter by adding the TripProximity smart trip tool that begins with a map, but adds hotel booking (I’m staying), driving directions (I’m driving) and optional air booking (I’m flying).  Your visitor never has to remember where you are located, as we pre-populate the widget with your information automatically.

Better service to your visitors

Make customers’ decision to come to your attraction even easier. By integrating the TripProximity widget, your customers save time planning the logistics.  And you save time answering “where should I stay?”

No matter the reason

Whether the visitors are from out-of-town or they live locally but would like to make a visit to your attraction a part of a weekend away, or they want to spend more than one day visiting your attraction, the smart trip widget provides easy booking of hotels nearby your park. And the traveler gets to choose properties that meet their proximity, brand, price and amenity preferences.

Make Giving Back Easy

With TripProximity, every trip can matter to the charities you support.  A percentage of the proceeds from travel bookings made on your site are given to your charity of choice annually.

Differentiation matters.

Lead your category: be the first to enhance your customers’ total experience. And be known as the innovator that adds to the bottom line while also supporting your favorite charities.


Site placement is easy.

The TripProximity widget conforms to the HTML container added to your site. Choosing a location near customers’ decision points creates greater value for you.