Am I getting the best rate for my event?

The answer is no, the conference rate is not always the best deal for your attendees.

As mentioned in the earlier parts of this report on the Room Block Fallacy, the conference negotiated rate isn't always the best rate. 

In addition, we partner with and give back 10% of our revenues to your charity of choice? And if you are a 501c3, we up that amount to 25%? More about that later.


You may be too young to remember this sign.   When I was young, we would take road trips and to find a hotel, you had to look for one that did NOT have this sign illuminated.  Archaic I know, but it worked.  Especially since there was no such thing as a phone in your car.  [gasp] 

Without our widget, the fall event would have shown SOLD OUT when you checked availability at any of the five properties (after you wasted 10+ minutes searching the negotiated deal links). 

One of the fallacies of room blocks is that your potential event attendees understand them. I can tell you firsthand, that when they don’t find a hotel room (and need or want one), they will think that your event is sold out too.

Don’t take that chance. Get attendees right up to the day of the event and earn sponsorship support from each trip.


We actually have a theory at Solutionz Innovations that the best way to sell a room with an event is as a part of the registration or ticketing path.    We call it the "Do you want fries with that?" method. 

We call this “earning sponsorship dollars while you sleep”. Sound good?

Think about the potential for your next event.

  1. They are already booking a room (even if they don't think about it for weeks after registering or buying a ticket)
  2. We guarantee that they will get the best published rate
  3. You are missing out on an ancillary revenue stream (we share 10% of our revenues with you as a sponsorship of your event)
  4. It makes it much easier for them to book it if you provide a tool that pre-fills the date and that automatically searches close to the event venue.
  5. We give 10% of our gross revenues from the bookings made for your events, paid annually to your charity of choice.  

Not only are blocked rooms no longer needed, but there is a better game in town.  

When an event prompts an overnight stay, proximity matters. It takes just minutes to add the TripProximity™ Smart Trip tool to your site and provide your attendees real time booking capability at the hotels nearby your event.

Set up a time to talk.